Unfortunately, exploreB2B is gone!
If you want to keep up-to-date with our next project - please visit our current company and blog at The Social Ms
exploreB2B is no more!
exploreB2B was a content marketing platform founded by serial entrepreneurs Jonathan and Susanna Gebauer. In the beginning of 2015, exploreB2B was taken offline.
The end of exploreB2B...
Every entrepreneur knows that businesses can always fail...
... and as an entrepreneur, you take that risk, live with it, and when you fail, you start something new. Our new start is The Social Ms, our marketing blog and consulting company. You can read about our journey with exploreB2B here: Startup Failure – The First Hand Experience And What You Can Learn From It
Siblings Jonathan & Susanna Gebauer
Serial entrepreneurs from Germany
We are entrepreneurs - in 2010 we founded our first company - exploreB2B. We failed. We started our second company doing what entrepreneurs do best: Build something from nothing and rise from the ashes. You can keep up with us on The Social Ms